Commercial Terms & Conditions


Welcome to Sky! These terms and conditions apply for Sky business customers acquiring Sky services.  Please read them carefully as they form the basis on which Sky provides services to the Subscriber.


In this agreement the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

Antenna System: menas all related antenna, cabling and associated electronic equipment, other than the Decoder and the Smart Card, needed to receive and distribute the Sky Signal within the RUD.

Decoder: means the electronic device or devices authorised by Sky and associated leads and equipment in the RUD which unscrambles the SKY Signal.

Restricted Unit Dwelling (RUD): means the restricted unit dwelling identified on the face of this agreement.

Sky: means Sky Network Television Limited and it's successors and assigns.

Sky Equipment: means all and any equipment provided by Sky (whether directly or indirectly) and installed at the RUD including the Smart Card and the Decoder but excluding the Antenna System.

Sky Signal: means the scrambled transmissions of television channels and programmes broadcast or transmitted by Sky by whatever means for presentation to persons in New Zealand who use a Decoder, or any part of those transmissions.

Smart Card: means the card or cards issued by Sky to the Subscriber to unscramble the Sky Signal.

Subscriber: means the Subscriber whose name appears on the face of this agreement.


Sky agrees to provide the Selected Service to the subscriber for the purposes of being received by the number of television outlets at the RUD recorded on the face of this agreement.


      (a)    The Subscriber hereby authorises Sky to collect information about the Subscriber and the activity on the Subscriber’s account (including how Selected Services are used).  More information about what information is collected, how it is used, and the Subscriber’s rights, can be found in Sky’s Privacy Policy here on the Sky website.

      (b)    The Subscriber authorises any person or company to provide Sky with such information as it may require in response to its credit enquiries and also to furnish to any third party details of this agreement and any subsequent dealings that the Subscriber may have with Sky as a result of this agreement being entered into.


      (a)    The initial term of this agreement will be that which appears on its face, commencing from the date that the Selected Service can be received by the Subscriber.

      (b)    Following the expiration of the initial term, the Selected Services shall be provided on a month by month basis until either party terminates this agreement by giving the other at least 30 days’ written notice of its intention to do so.


Sky may from time to time offer to the Subscriber special event programming for which Sky may charge an additional fee.  The Subscriber will be requested to advise Sky that they wish to receive the special event programming or the Subscriber may also be able to accept such an offer by activating the Decoder to decode the special event programming in question.


(a) The Subscriber shall pay to Sky:

      (i)    monthly in advance, on the due date for payment set out in Sky’s tax invoice, the monthly fees for the provision of the Selected Service to the number of outlets referred to in clause 3, which fees may from time to time be varied by Sky in its discretion on giving 30 days’ written notice to the subscriber.
      (ii)    on demand, GST and any other applicable taxes, levies or duties which may be payable on payments under this agreement;
      (iii)    on demand, a reconnection fee if the Subscriber requests Sky to reinstate the Selected Service after Sky has disabled the Decoder due to non-payment or late payment of any moneys due to Sky by the Subscriber;
      (iv)    on demand, a fee for each dishonoured cheque and direct debit;
      (v)    if the Subscriber accepts any offer for special event programming, Sky’s additional fees as and when notified to the Subscriber from time to time;
      (vi)    on demand, any charges payable for non-return of the Sky Equipment pursuant to clause 23(b)(i);
      (vii)    costs incurred for the collection of any overdue debts, including any third party costs.


Sky will endeavour to make sure that the Selected Services are reliable and give a great user experience, but cannot guarantee that they will always be available or completely error free, especially because the services rely on satellites, the internet, and other third party networks and services.  If there is a fault with a service, please let us know and we will try to fix it.  However, please be aware that:
      (a)    the performance of the Selected Services may depend on what kind of device and connection the Selected Services are operating on;
      (b)    services provided by satellite are affected by weather and atmospheric conditions;
      (c)    there are regular maintenance windows where some services may not be available.  Sky will endeavour to schedule these for low-demand times; and
      (d)    although industry standard security tools are used, telecommunications services and the internet are never completely secure and Sky does not guarantee security.


If for any reason the Sky Signal of the Selected Service or any channel comprised therein is not broadcast for a continuous period greater than 24 hours, Sky undertakes upon request by the Subscriber to credit the Subscriber with that portion of the monthly Selected Service fee or the relevant part thereof covering the period during which the Sky Signal or any channel comprised therein was not broadcast.  The placement of the screen messages does not amount to a failure to broadcast and the Subscriber shall remain liable to pay the fee for the Selected Service during the period of any screen messaging.


To ensure that Sky can respond to the needs of its customers by continually improving its services, Sky may make changes to the services, packages, content, charges, technology, technical requirements and usage rules, and these terms, from time to time.  Sky might also cancel or phase out certain services, including channels offered by Sky for broadcast.
Sky will provide advance notice of:
      (a)    any changes to the terms that apply to the Selected Service;
      (b)    any increase to the ongoing monthly charges (Sky will provide at least 30 days’ notice of such changes); and
      (c)    any major change to the Selected Services or the mechanism by which SKY transmits or broadcasts the SKY Signal and/or the format of that signal, where Sky considers that the change may have a negative impact on a significant portion of affected customers (Sky will endeavour to give at least 30 days' notice of this, where practicable) (Major Negative Change).
Sky may not give notice of changes that happen in the ordinary course of things, such as changes to its content (which happens frequently as rights, scheduling, and customers interests change), or changes that Sky considers (acting reasonably) will have a neutral or positive impact on affected customers.


Sky may immediately cancel this contract, or immediately suspend access to any Selected Service (without limiting Sky’s other rights) if:
      (a)    it is reasonably necessary for operational, technical or security reasons;
      (b)    Sky has reasonable grounds to believe that the Subscriber is in breach of these terms or the account is being used fraudulently or to break the law; or
      (c)    applicable charges are not paid by the due date.
Sky has no obligation to reactive a suspended account or access to a suspended Selected Service. 


(a)    Ownership of the Sky Equipment will at all times remain with Sky and the Subscriber must not:
      (i)    remove the Sky Equipment from the RUD without the prior written consent of Sky;
      (ii)    sell, lease, dispose of, lend or otherwise part with possession of the Sky Equipment;
      (iii)    use the Sky Equipment for any purpose other than facilitating the viewing of the Selected Service at the RUD in accordance with the terms and conditions of this agreement;
      (iv)    deface, obliterate or remove any label or mark which identifies the ownership of the Sky Equipment; or
      (v)    do any other act which may adversely affect or prejudice the ownership of the Sky Equipment by Sky.
(b)    The Subscriber must, within 14 days of termination or cancellation of this agreement return the Sky Equipment to Sky or an authorised Sky agent.
(c)    The Subscriber shall be liable for any loss (including fire) or theft of, or damage however caused to, the Sky Equipment and Antenna System during the currency of this agreement.  It is the Subscriber’s responsibility to effect insurance cover, if the Subscriber elects to do so, against potential liability under this clause.


(a)    Immediately upon execution of this agreement the Subscriber shall pay to Sky a refundable deposit as set out on the face of this agreement in respect of the Sky Equipment.
(b)    The deposit will be refunded to the Subscriber only if the Sky Equipment is returned to Sky or an authorised Sky retailer, however:
      (i)    if the Sky Equipment is not in good condition (fair wear and tear excepted); or
      (ii)    there are moneys due by the Subscriber to Sky; or
      (iii)    the Subscriber does not return the Sky Equipment within 14 days of termination or cancellation of this agreement,
then the deposit will be applied to the cost of repairing or replacing the Sky Equipment and paying such monies due with the balance of the deposit remaining (if any) being immediately disbursed to the Subscriber.  The Subscriber will be liable for any amount which is not covered by the deposit.
(c)    In no event will the Subscriber be entitled to claim interest on the deposit.


(a)    The Subscriber must immediately after the execution of this agreement at its own expense install and maintain in the RUD the Antenna System so that the reception of the Sky Signal at each of the television outlets at the RUD does, and continues to, comply with Sky’s quality standards for such reception.  Such quality standards are available from Sky upon request.
(b)    The Subscriber shall, at its own expense, secure and maintain all necessary approvals and consents for the installation of the Antenna System and the Sky Equipment at or on the RUD, for any alterations to the RUD needed for such installation and for Sky’s right of access pursuant to clause 17(b).  Sky shall have no responsibility whatsoever in relation to any such approval or consent.


Sky may enter the RUD after giving reasonable notice to the Subscriber for the purposes of undertaking an inspection if it considers at any time that its quality standards are not being met.


Sky is entitled to disable the Decoder without notice to the Subscriber in the event of non-payment or late payment of any moneys due to Sky by the Subscriber.


(a)    The Subscriber must not use any video recording equipment, video cassette or other equipment to duplicate, reproduce, sell or otherwise use or transmit the whole or any part of the Selected Service or the Sky Signal under any circumstances for any purpose whatsoever other than that which is authorised by this agreement.  The Subscriber acknowledges that the Decoder has been programmed with a unique decoding sequence and will only unscramble the Sky Signal if it receives an encoded authorisation signal.  If any attempt is made by or with the agreement of the Subscriber to break this sequence, or to modify the Decoder so that it unscrambles the Sky Signal without having to receive an encoded authorisation signal, Sky reserves the right to bring charges or other action against the Subscriber or the person concerned.

(b)    Sky shall be entitled at any time during the currency of this agreement to enter the RUD with reasonable notice, or any other location owned or occupied by the Subscriber where Sky has reasonable grounds to believe that the Decoder is located, in order to maintain, replace or repossess the Sky Equipment or for the purpose of ensuring that the Subscriber is complying with his obligations under this agreement.
(c)    Sky may at any time in its absolute discretion require that the Subscriber exchange any Sky Equipment (including any Smart Card) for any new equipment (including a new Smart Card) provided or specified by Sky.
(d)    The Subscriber must ensure that no payment is received from members of the public in respect of any public viewing of the Selected Service at the RUD.


All intellectual property and other rights in the Selected Services, and any content included in those Selected Services, are owned by Sky or its licensors.  Subject to compliance with this agreement and other applicable laws, Sky grants the Subscriber a limited licence to use the Selected Services (in the manner that those Selected Services are provided), and to view the content on those Selected Services, in New Zealand.  The Subscriber agrees that it will not, and will not attempt or assist, authorise, enable or permit anyone else, to:
(a)    access any of the Selected Services or content without permission;
(b)    otherwise redistribute, resupply, retransmit, reverse-engineer, decode, decompile, reformat or interfere with the Selected Services or content; or
(c)    remove, circumvent, or interfere with any of the copyright notices or attributions, content protection, rights management, encryption or security technologies used for the Selected Services or content.


Subject to clause 12(c), where Sky provides the Decoder to the Subscriber pursuant to this agreement Sky will be responsible for maintaining the Decoder in good order and repair.  The Subscriber must advise Sky as soon as the Decoder is damaged or is no longer in full working order.  Sky will respond to such advice as soon as is reasonably practicable.


(a)    Except for any liability that cannot be limited by law, if either party is liable to the other party pursuant to this agreement for any reason, such party’s liability shall be limited to:
      (i)    $10,000 for any event or series of related events; or
      (ii)    $25,000 for all events in a 12-month period.
This liability cap will not apply to:
      (iii)    a party’s fraud, intentional breach or intentional damage; or
      (iv)    breach of clause 17(a) or 17(d), clause 18, intellectual property infringement, or criminal activity by the Subscriber or anyone else using the Subscriber’s account; or
      (v)    the Subscriber’s obligation to pay the charges.
(b)    The provisions of the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 are hereby expressly excluded and shall not apply to the service provided by Sky to the Subscriber under this agreement and, in any event, the Subscriber hereby expressly acknowledges and agrees that they are not a consumer within the meaning and for the purposes of that Act.
(c)    Sky may use service or infrastructure providers, and/or network operators to provide the services, and in such an event neither they nor their employees and directors (Service Providers) have any liability to the Subscriber in relation to the services that they provide to Sky.  The Subscriber agrees that this clause creates a benefit for the Service Providers that is enforceable by them under the Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017.


(a)    Termination for breach: If either party is in breach of any provision of this agreement and either:    
      (i)    such breach is capable of remedy and continues for 14 days after written notice thereof has been given to the party in breach; or
      (ii)    such breach being a material breach, is not capable of remedy;
      then the party giving such notice may terminate this agreement 14 days after the date on which such notice was given or, in the case of a material breach which is not capable of remedy, the party not in breach may terminate this agreement forthwith.  For the purpose of this clause “material breach” includes a persistent breach of any provision of this agreement whether or not the subject of a previous notice of breach
(b)    Termination for other causes:  Either party may at any time by notice in writing to the other terminate this agreement forthwith upon the occurrence of any of the following events in relation to the other party:
      (i)    if a receiver, receiver and manager, or statutory manager is appointed over the whole or any substantial part of the assets or undertaking of that other party;
      (ii)    if that other party passes a resolution for its voluntary winding up or if an order for winding up is made by a court of competent jurisdiction or proceedings are commenced for its winding up or if it shall enter into any scheme or arrangement with its creditors otherwise than for the purposes of bona fide amalgamation or reconstruction; or
      (iii)    if that other party shall cease to carry on its business voluntarily or as a result of legislation or order of judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction.
(c)    Major Negative Change:  The Subscriber may terminate this agreement after receiving a Major Negative Change notice from Sky by providing 30 days’ written notice to Sky. 
(d)    Other rights and remedies:  Termination in accordance with the foregoing provisions shall be without prejudice to the other rights and remedies of the party terminating whether such rights and remedies arise under this agreement or at law.


If the Subscriber terminates this agreement or a Selected Service during the initial term that applies to that Selected Service, Sky may require payment of an early termination charge, details of which can be found on Sky’s website.  An early termination charge will not apply if:
(a)    this agreement is cancelled following a Major Negative Change; or
(b)    Sky cancels this agreement under clause 11(a).


Upon termination or cancellation of this agreement:
(a)    Sky will be entitled to forthwith disable the Decoder from unscrambling the Sky Signal;
(b)    where the Subscriber fails to return the Sky Equipment in accordance with clause 12(b) Sky may (without prejudice to its rights under clause 13), at its option:
      (i)    require the Subscriber to pay to Sky a charge (see here for list of charges) on demand for the breach of clause 12(b); or
      (ii)    at any time enter the RUD and repossess the Sky Equipment.
(c)    The Subscriber must immediately pay to Sky all moneys due to Sky at the date of such termination or cancellation including any charges payable under clauses 22 or 23(b)(i); and
(d)    Clauses 4, 7, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22 and 23 shall not merge but shall survive for the benefit of Sky notwithstanding any rule of law to the contrary.


If either party is prevented from carrying out any obligation imposed upon it in terms of this agreement by reason of any act of God, inclement weather, act of State, riot, insurrection, civil commotion, strike, sanctions, boycott, embargo, pandemic or any other circumstance beyond its reasonable control, such party must endeavour to advise the other party of the existence of the circumstances and the expected duration thereof.  The performance of this agreement will, to the extent that it is made impossible by such circumstances, be suspended until such circumstances cease to prevail.

25.    NOTICE

(a)    Any notice required to be given under this agreement must be in writing and is deemed to be properly served if left at, sent by prepaid letter, document exchange or email transmission to the address of the recipient specified on the face of this agreement or such other address as either party may from time to time notify for such purpose.
(b)    Any notice sent by post or document exchange is deemed to have been properly served two days after the date upon which it was sent.  Notices sent by courier, delivered by hand or email transmission are deemed to have been received on the date of delivery or transmission if made before 5pm on a working day in the area in which the notice is received, and otherwise on the next working day.


By entering into this agreement the Subscriber consents to receiving marketing messages from Sky.  Sky may send those messages to any email address and mobile phone number associated with the Subscriber’s account.  The Subscriber may opt out of receiving e-marketing from Sky.  However, Sky operates separate databases for its stand-alone services, so the Subscriber may need to opt out more than once to stop receiving all marketing messages from Sky altogether.

27.    GENERAL

(a)    Sky may at any time assign this agreement to any person, company or business without the consent of the Subscriber.  The Subscriber may not assign or otherwise transfer his rights hereunder.
(b)    If any clause of this agreement shall be invalid, unenforceable or illegal then the remaining terms and provisions of this agreement will be deemed to be severable there from and will continue in full force and effect unless such invalidity, unenforceability or illegality is fundamental to this agreement.
(c)    The failure by either party at any time or times to require performance by the other party of any term of this agreement will not affect the right to enforce the same.  The waiver by either party of any breach of any one or more terms contained in this agreement will not be construed to be a waiver of any succeeding breach of such term or any other term.
(d)    Subject to the Subscriber’s consent (not to be unreasonably withheld), Sky shall be entitled, to install at the RUD signs of a size, shape and design which state that the RUD receives Sky services.  These signs will at all times be of the current design and type as used by Sky, in the event that the subscriber ceases to be a Sky customer then these signs will be removed at the request of Sky.


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