Content Protection - Sky Business
What is Piracy
As well as showing award winning shows from the world’s most well-known studios, SKY is a big producer of local sport, documentaries and has commissioned some fantastic New Zealand dramas for Prime Television. It takes a lot of people to bring our stories to life. But piracy is a big problem in New Zealand. Research tells us that 29% of Kiwis regularly pirate content, and for one in ten Kiwis it’s how they normally watch content.
That’s a big concern not just for SKY, but for everyone involved in the creative industry. Even athletes and sporting bodies are affected with 8% of Kiwis regularly watching illegal streams of sport content.
That’s why SKY, alongside others in our sector, have started the conversation with New Zealanders around the impact of piracy, in all its forms, has on production people, artists and athletes. There are so many ways to access legal content; and less excuses to pirate. It’s why we’re taking measures to combat piracy.
As a business using a domestic SKY subscription (including SKY GO and FAN PASS), streaming, downloading or obtaining SKY content by any other means without a SKY commercial agreement is piracy.
SKY has a robust process around following up on piracy, so once a pirate has been identified, depending on the circumstance, we may take one of the following actions:
- Our team may visit onsite to gather the facts.
- SKY decoders can be confiscated.
- Legal sanctions can be taken.
Our Piracy Promise
Commercial SKY subscribers deserve a level playing field, and the team at SKY Business are committed to delivering this. SKY Business Account Manager for Licensed Premises, Kevin Newcombe believes piracy is an important issue to tackle, and he is leading the SKY Business Piracy Promise.
Kevin says: “We owe it to our honest pub and club operators to protect the investment they’ve made in their SKY subscription.” The Piracy Promise is an assurance that we’ll follow up and investigate any misuse of the SKY service.
It's Theft
Commercial piracy is theft. Any person using SKY services in an unauthorised manner is dishonestly obtaining a benefit without providing proper payment to SKY.
It's A Crime
If you use SKY services in an unauthorised manner you risk getting a criminal record, being fined up to $5,000 and/or going to prison.
Personal Liability
The owner, licensee and on-duty manager of any commercial premises who allows the premises to show SKY services in the knowledge that the SKY service is not authorised for use in that premises, and any directors and managers of a company that uses SKY services in this manner, can be liable for various offences under the Crimes Act 1961 and Copyright Act.
Any person who is found to have assisted or encouraged the unauthorised use of SKY services, including the person who supplied the decoder, may also be held liable as a joint offender of the relevant offences.
Contact Us
Postal Address
PO Box 9059
New Zealand